Things have been a little crazy lately so I have a lot to catch you up on here.

First of all, my Dump Trucks arrived! I ordered from the Flatface website. They come in a random color, so I was pretty happy with these blue ones. The set of two trucks was $4.00. And for that price, I can’t complain. They’re definitely on the cheap side as far as craftsmanship goes, but they’re pretty decent. The bushings are plastic and the kingpins stick up a bit over the hangers as my first 4Corner trucks did, but overall they ride well. Despite feeling a little cheap, they look nice, and definitely do their job of holding the wheels on. If you’re looking for some colorful trucks, or just a cheap back up, Dump Trucks aren’t a bad option. They also came with an assortment of Flatface stickers. Not a bad haul for 4 bucks.

Also, I’ve been trying to clean up my ollies, and I think I’ve finally got them dialed down. My ollies used to be  really sloppy and inconsistent. I studied weakfingers’ tutorial a lot over the past couple weeks and figured out that the pop is more of a pushing forward motion than anything. My ollies are still far from perfect, but they’re  smoother now and I feel confident that I’ve got a good form down that will translate into helping me learn to do other tricks correctly. I’m still working on a way of curving my ring and pinkie fingers back that feels comfortable and gives stability, but I’m no longer rolling my board back before I pop, pressing down too hard on the tail, or doing any of those other sloppy things.

Here’s my new setup with the Dump Trucks:

I’ll post a video of my ollies soon. Also I ordered a homemade rail on ebay. It hasn’t arrived yet, but I should be getting it soon and I’ll post on that soon too.

New tricks I’m working on: pop shuvits and 180 ollies.

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